Snow Removal
Use Driveway Markers
Residents are encouraged to use driveway markers to identify curbs and driveways. This is especially helpful during big, winter storms that require the additional assistance from private snow removal contractors.
Clean Sidewalks Of Snow and Ice
City residents are reminded to clean all snow and ice from their sidewalk including the crosswalk of corner lots. City Ordinance requires property owners to remove all snow and ice from their sidewalk within 24 hours after its deposit. If it is not removed it may be removed by the City and the cost charged to the property owner. To report sidewalk problems, fill out the form at or call Code Enforcement at 701-667-3250.
Don't Put Snow From Your Property in the Street
City Ordinance 16-2-4 prohibits snow deposits on a sidewalk, driveway apron, on the paved portion of a street or alley or within five feet of a fire hydrant, unless a waiver has been issued in writing by the City. Snow may be placed in the unpaved portion of the boulevard within the public right-of-way.
Exception for Downtown Core Area
For properties in the downtown core with buildings constructed lot line to lot line, there is an exception regarding where snow from sidewalks can be placed. In these circumstances, snow may be shoveled into the adjacent on-street parking lane. Public Works crews will remove it when they haul snow from area, generally 1-2 days after it snows, if there is more than 4 inches of accumulation or if there are multiple minor snow events resulting in the need for hauling.
48 Hour Parking Restrictions
City Ordinance 24-7-18 states it is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing on any public street or highway within any residential district, mobile home park or trailer court in this city, any vehicle or motorcycle for a period longer than forty-eight hours consecutively.
Mailboxes and Fire Hydrants
- Clear snow around your mailbox
- Keep the area around fire hydrants clear of snow
Sanding & Snow Plowing Information
Sanding and snow plowing route priorities have been established to provide for the safe and orderly movement of vehicular traffic throughout the city during all weather conditions, including severe winter storms.
- Priority 1: Major Arterial Routes - Streets designated as Major Arterial Routes (RED colored roadways on Snow Emergency Route Map) are given Priority One designations as they provide a network connection of high traffic volume streets and business districts.
- Priority 2: School and CAT Bus Emergency Routes - Streets designated as school emergency routes (BLUE colored roadways on Snow Emergency Route Map) and CAT Bus routes (YELLOW colored roadways on Snow Emergency Route Map) are given Priority Two designations as they provide a network connection for students, parents, teachers, and school bus operations.
- Priority 3: Residential Routes - Streets designated as Residential Routes are given Priority Three designations as they provide a network connection to all residential areas.
- Priority 4: Residential Alleys - Residential alleys are given Priority Four designations as they provide the final network connection to all residential areas and complete the street network and grid system.
Generally 4" of snow accumulation will require the snow plowing of all routes. NOTE: Please be extremely cautious when snow removal and sanding operations are underway. These vehicles must stop and back frequently. Please try to stay a minimum of 50 feet behind them. Remember a typical snow plow is wider than most driving lanes.
Snow Hauling
Hauling begins on Main Street and in the central business district. Signs are posted to restrict overnight parking on streets (typically east-west in direction) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and on avenues (typically north-south in direction) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Public parking lots are next, followed by other major arterials, public schools and residential areas.
Why doesn't the City of Mandan use snow gates?
An ad hoc snow committee made up of Mandan residents, formed in 2017, reviewed the use of snow gates on city snow plows. The committee determined the cost of snow gates outweighed the benefit. In addition to the high cost of purchasing and maintaining the snow gates, introducing snow gates would require additional personnel and equipment. Communities that use snow gates report a 30-40 percent increase in the amount of time it takes to clear the streets, and snow gates are only effective in snowfalls of 6-inches or less.
The Public Works department investigated the use of snow gates again after the late December 2018 snowfall. After discussions with local cities using snow gates, the department reconfirmed the findings of the 2017 snow committee:
• 30-40 percent slowdown in snow removal operations throughout the city
• Cost to outfit 10 snow plows, plus maintenance for the equipment
• Not effective in snowfalls greater than 6-inches
The department has determined snow gates still are not feasible for the City of Mandan at this time. Without the use of snow gates there may be a buildup of snow at the end of driveways that residents could need to clear.