2023 Share of Property Taxes in Mandan.

Local Taxes

In this section, you will find information about Mandan's local taxes including levies, revenue trends and uses.


Property tax statements include taxes for four major entities:

  • County,
  • City,
  • School,
  • Park services

Local taxes are a primary source of funding for public schools, fire and police protection, parks and recreation, streets, roads and many other services. Community leaders are managing growth while holding the line on budgets to keep taxes reasonable. Mandan’s consolidated tax levy for 2023 is 281 mills, which is 1.41% of value for commercial property and 1.26% for residential property. 

The levy decreased from 287 in 2023 and 285 mills in 2021. Community leaders are continuously managing growth to keep taxes as reasonable as possible. 

In 2022, Mandan had the fifth lowest property taxes among North Dakota’s 13 largest cities, according to N.D. League of Cities rankings.

For more information on property taxes in Mandan and the budgets for the respective taxing entities, download the latest property tax brochure using the link below.

If you are seeking a Property Tax Brochure from a year prior to what is posted in this section, please call 701-667-3478.