made in mandan



  • Maintenance of the water and sewer infrastructure within the City. This includes repairing water main breaks and preventive maintenance procedures such as
    • hydrant flushing/repair,
    • valve exercising/repair,
    • lift station cleaning/repair, and
    • city owned/maintained sanitary sewer line-inspection and cleaning
    • meter replacement and maintenance
  • Care and maintenance of the street light system and traffic signals within the city.

Sanitary Sewer Collection

Storm Sewer System

Street Lights

Underground Utility Locating - Utility locating has increased tremendously. If you have a project that includes digging, please call North Dakota One Call at 1-800-795-0555 or dial 811.



  • 1 utility superintendent, 1 assistant superintendent
  • 6 full-time utility operators, and
  • 1 meter reader 

If you have any questions or concerns with your water service, sewer service or street light service please call 701-667-3240.

To download a form to authorize special assessments for tree removal or curb stop, waterline, or sewer repair, click here.