Heart River Bridge Construction to Begin
Apr. 22, 2022 - The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) is planning to begin repair work on the Heart River Bridge, also known as Sitting Bull Bridge, on Highway 1806 S on Monday, April 25. Bridge work is expected to take about four months to complete with both lanes of traffic remaining open during construction.
Minor bridge repairs are part of a larger Highway 1806 S construction project planned for summer. Highway 1806 S from Main Street to Eighth Ave SE will undergo traffic signal replacement, concrete pavement repair, and lane reallocation with striping changes. A portion of the roadway that is four lanes will be reconfigured to three lanes with a dedicated left turn lane. Other improvements include curb ramp and lighting updates.
The City’s cost share of the $2.27 million project is 10% to be covered through the sales tax fund.
Please contact NDDOT Project Engineer Loren Lee at 701-328-6961 with construction questions. Updates will be posted periodically at cityofmandan.com/roadprojects.