Engineering Department Submits Applications for Federal Funding
Jan. 30, 2024 - In January, the City Commission approved submission of two road reconstruction projects for the Urban Roads and Urban Regional programs. The applications are for projects that would take place in 2028.
For the Urban Roads program, the Engineering Department is applying for a project to complete the reconstruction of Eighth Avenue NW from 24th Street to 27th Street and 27th Street to Highway 1806. As for the project being able to wait until 2028, City Engineer Jarek Wigness says, “It won’t be the road’s best days between now and then, but I think this is a really good opportunity for us to get some additional funding.”
The Urban Regional program application is for a project addressing drainage issues at the Sixth Ave SE underpass, south of Main Street.
Both of these projects were submitted last year for fiscal year 2027, but were unsuccessful. Applications for 2028 were due Feb. 2, and award announcements are expected in the summer.
Both projects are estimated around $6 million with a local share around $600,000. The local costs will likely be paid using a combination of municipal infrastructure funds, utility funds, property tax and special assessments. If awarded, the federal contribution towards each project would be up to 80% of total project cost.