Grass collection site do's & don'ts
Grass Collection Site Reminders
May 10, 2024 - The Public Works Department places grass and leaf collection bins at five designated sites each spring:
- Old Red Trail & Hillside Rd NW (grass)
- Mandan Brave Center, 901 Division Street NW (grass)
- 8th Ave SE & Hwy 1806 South* (branch & grass site) - Tree branches under 4 inches in diameter can only be disposed of at this site only. Branches bigger than 4 inches in diameter must be taken to the landfill.
- 24th Avenue SE & Longspur Drive (grass)
- McKenzie Dr SE & 34th Ave SE (grass)
Residents may also take grass clippings and branches to the landfill free of charge.
A few reminders:
- Grass collection sites are for residents only (contractors may dump at the landfill at no charge in the compost pile as long as the load is only grass, leaves, or garden waste)
- Grass collection bins are taken to the City landfill and turned into compost material that is used to cover up the landfill for the next 20-30 years. Recycling these clippings allows the landfill to minimize use of top soil needs, saving taxpayers money. (Mulching is a great alternative for grass clippings and branches)
- Place grass, leaves and garden waste inside the bins at the collection sites (plastic bags and other garbage must be disposed of in the trash cans available at the sites)
- Branches are only allowed at the 8th Ave SE & Hwy 1806 S site. Please do NOT place these branches inside the bins. Place branches smaller than 4 inches in diameter NEXT to the bins.
- Half-full bins result in extra hauling trips. You can help in the efficiency of the grass collection sites by filling up one collection bin before emptying a load into the next bin
- Spreading mowing occurrences throughout the week helps aid in the reduction of overtime hours and more efficient emptying/returning of the bins at the collection sites (if everyone only mows on the weekends, sites will fill up very fast!)
- Plastic bags and garbage placed in the grass clippings collection bins contaminates the load. Contaminated loads must then be dumped at the landfill and cannot be used as compost. This shortens the life of the landfill and in turn costs taxpayers money. (Please dispose of plastic bags and other garbage in the trash bins provided)
For more information contact the Public Works Department at 701-667-3240 or visit cityofmandan.com/grasscollection.