The map above is of the special assessment district for this project in the Monte Drive area.

Monte Drive Area to See Water & Sewer Improvements

Jan. 23, 2025 –The City Commission recently approved a water and sewer improvement district project for construction in 2025. The district is in the Monte Drive neighborhood, specifically, the area north of 11th Street NW and south of Boundary St NW from Sunset Drive to just east of Sixth Ave NW. Most of Sunset Drive will remain untouched, however, there is a piece in the far north portion of the project area that will have some work done.

This project would replace aging cast iron water mains, originally installed in the 1950’s. The project scope includes water main improvements and replacement, sanitary sewer improvements, roadway and concrete restoration, American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp improvements, tree trimming and more.

Since 2008, this area of Mandan has experienced 27 water main breaks. The frequency of these breaks has been accelerating in the last few years with 10 breaks since 2022 and six in the last year. This project is anticipated to significantly reduce operating and maintenance costs for the City.

Several of the water main breaks in the project area have complicated emergency situations, compounding the strain on City resources. Water main breaks pose a health risk to those affected by water shutoffs, and the breaks in this area are especially high-risk since they are likely to coincide with pressure fluctuations related to fire flows.

“We do currently have water pressure throttled in this area to try and prevent some of those accelerating water main events that have occurred and do occur during fire events,” says City Engineer Jarek Wigness.

As a result, the project includes the establishment of a new pressure zone for the water mains. This will not only allow the city to increase water pressure to the Monte Drive area, but to other areas of town as well.

Funding. Total project cost is estimated at $8.7 million, with a 60% cost share with the State Water Commission. The city’s share will be funded through the utility fund, Municipal Infrastructure Fund (aka Prairie Dog Funds), and approximately $2 million will be special assessed to benefitting properties in the district. Final distribution of assessments will be determined by City Commission at the conclusion of the project after review and approval by the Special Assessment Commission.

The City is utilizing the State Revolving Fund for a 2% loan to finance the project. This program gives the City flexibility for loan repayment and a 2% interest rate. These both translate to project cost savings being passed onto the benefitting property owners.

The project is anticipated to be bid this spring, with construction to follow.

Please contact the Engineering department at 701-667-3225 with questions. Periodic updates will be provided at