Streets, Water Lines to be Improved in NW Mandan

Aug. 20, 2024 –The Mandan City Commission approved a street improvement project for 2025 during its Aug. 6 meeting. The project area extends between Sixth Ave NW and 10th Ave NW and between Main Street and Third Street NW, referred to as “Area 2B” within the updated project concept report.

Over the last three months existing street and utility conditions have been evaluated in the area. The project will address streets and nearly 60 year-old cast iron water lines in the area that need replacing. The scope of work includes asphalt resurfacing by reconstruction and mill and overlay, chip seal, spot repair of curb and gutter, replacing several blocks of water main piping, addressing sanitary sewer issues, and more.

Project costs. Total project cost is estimated at $16.9M. The City will seek partial funding for the project though the North Dakota Department of Water Resources for all eligible water items. The City Commission’s action included a 20% buydown of roadway reconstruction portions of the project with Municipal Infrastructure Funds (aka Prairie Dog Funds). The remaining amount is to be special assessed to residents within the special assessment district.

Letters were recently mailed to each property as a courtesy to inform property owners of the district, project information, estimated costs, a public input meeting and protest period. A 30-day protest period started Aug. 9. Residents may submit a letter of protest to the Engineering Department by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 9. Consideration of sufficiency of protests and a public hearing are scheduled for the Sept. 17 City Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m.

A public meeting is planned for Aug. 22 at Roosevelt Elementary in the gym at 6 p.m. for residents to learn more about the project and offer insight on issues that they would like to be addressed.

Construction is anticipated to take place in 2025. Please contact the Engineering Department at 701-667-3225 with questions.