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North-Central Trunk Sewer Project Update

Nov. 1, 2021 - The City of Mandan has hired Weisz & Sons and Edling Electric to complete the North-Central Trunk Sewer project. This project will commence in fall 2021 and end in summer 2022. The project consists of installation of new gravity sewer main, new sewer force main, and a lift station. 


  • The work will take place in the City's or NDDOT's right-of-way.
  • Traffic control barricades are placed to protect both travelers and workers.
  • Please be careful to avoid construction equipment, as they don’t always see you!
  • Expect some dust, noise and minor inconveniences normally associated with construction.
  • Working hours will be more concentrated between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
  • Isolated street closures will be temporary but may last a few days.
  • Garbage service will continue on your normal day.

PROJECT CONTACTS. The City of Mandan has contracted with Moore Engineering for the construction engineering of the improvements. Jordon Gall will be the on-site engineer throughout the construction and can be reached at 701-400-0335 to discuss concerns. A weekly call-in construction meeting, open to
the public, will be held on Monday mornings from 9-9:15 a.m. Please dial 701-552-6286 and use participant code 168-125-142.

Periodic updates will be posted to cityofmandan.com/roadprojects. Thank you in advance for your patience through the construction process.