'Litter Clean-Up Day' Changing to 'Litter Clean-Up Month'

Feb. 20, 2024 - After three years of needing to make changes to the annual Community Clean-Up Day, City staff and the Community Beautification Committee have decided to make a permanent change to the volunteer-led clean-up day. Community Litter Clean-Up Day is now Community Litter Clean-Up Month!

Businesses, civic organizations and youth groups are encouraged to take responsibility for picking up litter along various routes during the month of May. The City and Keep North Dakota Clean will provide supplies, route guidance, and more. Volunteers cleaning-up routes in May will be eligible for prize drawings.

There are approximately 17 routes identified for the volunteer project. Routes are easiest to work with a group of 8-10 people, however individuals may sign up for a route and City staff will help organize or get them connected with another group to clean-up the route. View routes and sign-up to volunteer at cityofmandan.com/littercleanup.

This will be the 11th year for litter clean-up from ditches along routes in Mandan. The volunteer day was an idea brought to the City by Keep Mandan Beautiful led by Amy Schmidt. Schmidt continues to collect door prizes for volunteers and help spread the word about the event and others like it that keep Mandan beautiful.

As Spring approaches and citizens are walking outdoors, another option is to pick up litter along the way. Please bag trash and avoid sharp objects. Report the discovery of any large items like animal carcasses or discarded tires to the Public Works Department at 701-667-3240 or publicworks@cityofmandan.com.