Cemetery Road Being Reconstructed
Jul. 28, 2022 - The City of Mandan recently bid a project to reconstruct Cemetery Rd. The road has been closed since the end of April.
During the winter, the Public Works Department uses an area southeast of the main entrance for snow storage. Due to weight of snow removal vehicles, the asphalt road has severely deteriorated in many areas and is in need of repair. Since the road will continually be used for future snow storage, it needs to be built to withstand the weight of snow removal vehicles.
“Based on burials, the site can continue to be used for snow storage for another 25 years,” says Public Works Director Mitch Bitz.
This project includes construction of a concrete paved road from Mandan Ave to the cemetery entrance gate, snow site entrances, and some chip seal and patch work on roads within the cemetery. Street signs were added as an alternate, with plans to involve the public in naming streets within the cemetery.
The City anticipates the reconstruct portion of the project to be complete prior to snowfall, with chip seal work planned to take place through June 2023.
The cemetery remains open and accessible throughout construction. Visitors may enter via Cemetery Road and use the grounds maintenance facility entrance.
The project is estimated at $1.2 million to be paid through special assessment to the City. This will increase the City’s mill levy by almost 1 mill a year. The increase is anticipated to be reflected on the 2023 property tax bill, payable in 2024, and is a 20-year assessment.