Public Works Strategic About Early Season Snow Removal
Nov. 29, 2022 - The aftermath of the Nov. 10 blizzard left Mandan with a record-setting 24 inches of snow. This early storm had the Public Works Department approaching snow removal and hauling a little differently.
“We were very strategic with the snow removal process because of the amount of snow we received so early in the season,” said Public Works Director Mitch Bitz. “We had to take into consideration what could happen when our area receives another 3-4 inches of snow or when the wind picks up. Our focus was and still is on trying to make sure our roads are open for the next six months.”
During the snow event, the department was equipped with 25 operators, both full-time and part-time staff from all divisions; and 10 pieces of heavy equipment outfitted for snow plowing. Crews worked over 1,500 hours and covered at least 5,500 miles of ground throughout the first week of the snow removal process.
Staff received questions on clearing driveways ridges. If crews were to clear driveway ridges throughout the city, the process would more than double the amount of time to open residential streets. During a snow event, the priority is opening streets so emergency services can access neighborhoods.
The department would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation during the blizzard and share some helpful snow removal reminders:
- When possible, please remove cars from streets prior to snowfall. This allows for efficient and effective snow removal.
- The best way for neighbors to help neighbors is by clearing driveways and sidewalks of snow.
- Please clear the area around fire hydrants and mailboxes.
- The use of driveway markers helps operators identify curbs and driveways.
Additional information on the snow removal process is available at cityofmandan.com/snowremoval. During snow events, please report areas of concern to publicworks@cityofmandan.com or 701-667-3240.