Grass collection site located at 24th Ave SE & Longspur Trail

24th Ave SE & Longspur Trail Grass Collection Site Reconfigured

July 17, 2023 –Last week, Public Works crews reconfigured the grass collection site at 24th Ave SE & Longspur Trail. The entrance has been moved to the south end of the site just as the roadway begins to curve (across from the rodeo grounds).

The public is reminded to dump only grass, leaves and garden waste inside the bins provided. This is not (and was not) a branch collection site. The only collection site for branches 4” in diameter or smaller is located by the dog park at 8th Ave SE & Hwy 1806 S. Branches may also be taken to the landfill.

To learn more about the City’s grass collection sites, visit cityofmandan.com/grasscollection.